As part of the LACNIC campaign for the promotion, adoption and the transition to IPv6 protocol of the Latin American and Caribbean networks generated by the imminent depletion of the IPv4 addresses, LACNIC launches and make available to the Internet community a new
information space called:

Portal of the Transition to IPv6 of Latin America and Caribbean:

This portal is constituted as an information centre with the objective of providing the necessary tools, updated information, experiences, presentations and all kind of data that contribute to the transition and adaptation of the new protocol IPv6 for our region. At the same time it will show updated data about the IPv6 penetration in a regional and global level as well as the IPv4 addressing consumption.

LACNIC expects to make of this information centre a reference point for all those interested in adapting their networks with the new protocol and maintain the technological vanguard, operative and ensure the regional Internet stability.

The information of the portal structure will be maintain, as usual in LACNIC, in a multilingualism environment and the contributions may be done in English, Spanish and Portuguese documents.

In order to enrich this space, contributions may be done with material that include among other things, Introduction to IPv6 documents, implementation experiences in our region, events, news and any information that help us to accomplish a better and soon transition of our networks to IPv6. These contributions may be sent to, besides you may conduct your portal outcome to this e-mail address.

LACNIC will constantly maintain the portal updated with new information that happen in a regional and worldwide level about new documentation and news about the transition. At the same time, we expect your support, opinions and contributions to make of this new site a productive and reference space for the region in the subject.