LACNIC invites all its members to participate in the 12nd Workshop about Technologies of Internet Nets for Latin America and the Caribbean (WALC2009) that will be held from September 21 to 25, 2009 at the Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, in Bogotá, Colombia. LACNIC members will benefit with a 20% discount off the registration fee to participate in all the WALC workshops. Detailed information, agenda and online registration are available at:

The meeting is organized by the Foundation Escuela Latinoamericana de Redes, EsLaRed and sponsored by LACNIC. The registration fee includes: participation in the selected workshop, printed and digitalized material, certificate of attendance, refreshments and lunches.

Please note, in order to get your member discount you should provide your name and your organization Id as it is registered in LACNIC system. Places are limited.